Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Picture Party

Time: About 15 minutes
Objective: Character Development
Materials: Collect pictures of all types of people. (1 picture for each student)
Different ages, occupations, cultures.

Directions: Have students space out so they will not bother each other, hand out a picture to each student, don't let them show their characters to each other.
Then they must sit alone concentrating on the character in the picture.

Suggestions you can make to students as they are concentrating:
-Close your eyes
-You must make a name for your character.
-Imagine their job
-What do they like to do on their free time?
-Do they like animals?
-Are they an introvert (shy) or an extrovert (outgoing)?
-What does their voice sound like?
-Do they speak soft/loud, quick/slow, or in between---Don't make the person overly loud or quiet so the character is unreal.
-What is their family like? Children, a husband?
Do they have friends?
-Are they happy, moody, melancholy?

*let the students know that this is the time to create a real character, not a stereotype.

Before students stand up, go around and collect the pictures. Then announce that the class is having a party and that they must act like their character without describing physical features.

Let this go on for about 5 minutes.

Now have students sit in circle and have them guess each other's characters.

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